Reminder: The fast of Tisha B'Av is on Sunday,
May it become a joyous holiday soon.
The times listed are for the Greater Washington D.C. Area.
Candle lighting: 7:57 pm
Shabbat ends: 8:58 pm
Fast* Begins: 8:14 pm
Fast Ends/Havdala: 8:49 pm
*Fasting is for adults. Children have NO mitzvah to fast.
Parsha Questions:
1) At the beginning of ספר דברים who is משה addressing? (דברים א:א)
2) Why did משה gather this entire group? (רש"י דברים א:א)
3) On what date did משה begin this message to the Jewish people? (דברים א:ג)
4) What promise did משה reiterate from Hashem? (דברים א:ח)
5) Many Shuls have the custom of rereading the last פסוק (א:יא) of the first עליה. Why?
6) Who did משה blame for sending the spies? (דברים א:כג)
7) If the spies came back with awesome fruit from ארץ ישראל, how did the Jewish people see this as bad? (Hint: Attitude)
8) Why did Hashem tell משה not to be afraid of עוג מלך הבשן, but did not say not to fear when סיחון came to wage war? (רש"י דברים ג:ב)
9) What lesson can we learn from here?
10) Why should the Jewish people not be afraid to go into battle of Israel? (דברים ג:כב)
Bonus Questions:
1) What special name does this שבת have?
2) What other שבתות have names for the same reason as this week?
3) Who's birthday isט' אב (Midrashically speaking)?
4) If ט' אב is such a sad day, why do we not say תחנון at all?
On Tisha B'Av there are some things we are not allowed to do, and one of them is learning Torah because learning Torah brings us so much joy. We are allowed to learn some parts of the Torah; special parts that help us understand the story of Tisha B'av. One of the stories is from the Gemara and it's the story of Kamtza and Bar-Kamtza (also in the video link above). Attached is the story from the Gemara that with the help of a grown-up, you really can understand the story and the special message that it has for us. (There is also a video linked below.)
There are some very important messages here about not embarrassing a friend, inviting people with kindness, and also about not telling stories about your friends, even if your feelings are hurt.
This is a video about Tisha B'av for our 4-5th graders. It addresses the question "what does it mean to mourn before the Almighty". In this video, Rabbi Fohrman tells the story of Rachel Imeinu who cried for her children (all of us). What was it about Rachel's tears that we are able to sway G-d in Heaven? What can we learn about this day from our matriarch?
Click here for a downloadable coloring sheet about the things that we cannot do on Tisha B'Av.
Shabbat Shalom and may this be the last time that we have a sad Tisha B'Av.
A Tisha B'Av Story:
A Story of Two Coins
This story is from Yom Yerushalayim, but a good lesson for Tisha B'Av as well.
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