Tuesday, July 16, 2019

פרשת בלק

Shabbat times are for the Greater Washington D.C. area:
Candle Lighting: 8:12 pm
Havdalah: 9:17 pm

Questions from this week’s Parsha:

1) Who was the king of מואב at this time? (במדבר כב:ד)

2) Who were the people of מואב afraid of? Why? (במדבר כב:ב-ד)

3) Who did the king send messengers to for help? (במדבר כב:ה)

4) Why did בלעם ask the זקני מואב and the זקני מדין to stay overnight? (במדבר רש"י כב:ח)

5) Hashem told בלעם not to join the זקני מואב and the זקני מדין. What reason did Hashem give? (כב:יב במדבר)

6) After בלעם chose not to follow the exact words of Hashem, the donkey בלעם was riding gave him a hard time. What happened? (במדבר כב:כא-כז)

7) What was blocking the donkey from continuing on the road? (במדבר כב:כא-כז)

8) Each time that the donkey went off the path בלעם hit her. After the third time, the donkey did something unusual for an animal to do. What did the donkey do? (במדבר כב:כח-ל)

9) What did the donkey say to בלעם at that point? (במדבר כב:כח-ל)

10) Ultimately, what blessing did בלעם deliver to and about the Jewish people? (במדבר כד:ה)

Bonus Questions:

1) As a  נביא, who was בלעם compared to?

2) What other animals in תנ"ך spoke (or sang)?

3) What changed that caused the nations of the world to want to try and curse the Jewish people NOW?

What is the 17th of Tamuz? 
From Matmidim

1) The walls of Jerusalem were breached leading to the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE.

2) Moshe broke the 1st set of Luchot.

3) In the First Bet Hamikdash, the Korbanot were stopped before the destruction.

4) The Roman general burned a Torah scroll in the streets.

5) An idol was placed in the Kodesh Hakodashim.

17 Tamuz
(Observed on Sunday 7/21/19)
Fast begins: 4:47 am
Fast ends:    9:08 pm

1) Why do we fast on 17 Tamuz, what events took place on or around this date?

2) What are some activities that we minimize during the 3 weeks?

3) On what date do the 9 days begin?

4) On what date was the Bet Hamikdash destroyed?

Postcards??? Keep sending them in!!!

Story Time!

Shabb-A-Smile Joke!

If you are visiting Israel this summer, 
PLEASE let us know where you are going by emailing 
pepperav@mjbha.org so we can share your adventure!

Remember, you can find
grade-level summer learning
information by clicking here

Other helpful summer educational links:

Barnes and Noble’s summer reading program

Capstone Interactive eBooks.


MCPL's summer reading and learning program

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