Friday, August 17, 2018

פרשת שופטים

Summer Torah for פרשת שופטים
Feel free to email any questions or comments to

Questions on the week’s Parsha:

1) The תורה tells us that we need both שופטים and שטרים in each city. What is the difference between these 2 jobs? (רש"י טז:יח)

2) In what manner should the judges judge the people (טז:כ)

3) Once establishing a homeland, who should be appointed to lead? (יז:יד-טו)

4) Why should a king not have too many horses? (יז:טו)

5) What must a king write and keep close to them at all times? (יז:יח)

6) Since the כהנים and לויים do not have land ארץ ישראל, what are the people required to give them (יח:א-יד)

7) What mitzvah is there regarding the border of one's property? (יט:יד)

8) How many witnesses are needed in a Jewish court case to uphold any testimony? (יט:טו)

Bonus Question:

1) The תורה tells us תָּמִים תִּהְיֶה עִם ה' אֱלֹקיךָ. What are the 2 ways to translate the word תָּמִים and how does each apply to you? (יח:יג)

2) What are we עדים זומיהן? What happens to them?

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