Thursday, June 30, 2022

פרשת קרח

Shabbat times listed are for the Greater Washington D.C. area.
Candle Lighting: 8:19 pm                     Havdalah: 9:26 pm

Parsha Questions:

1) Who was קרח rebelling against? (במדבר טז:ג)

2) How did קרח convince others to join him? (רש"י טז:א)

3) Why does the תורה tell us what tribe קרח most influenced? (רש"י טז:א)

4) What challenge did Moshe offer to prove that everything that he had done was from Hashem? (רש"י טז:יז)

5) After the ground swallowed קרח and his followers, who was sent to collect the pans used? (במדבר יז:ב)

6) What was done with the pans that were collected (see question 5)? (במדבר יז:ג)

7) Who was instructed to take a staff to show that אהרן was chosen by Hashem? (במדבר יז:יז)

8) What should be written on each staff? (במדבר יז:יז)

9) What happened to the staff of אהרן and not to any other staff? (במדבר יז:כג - ועד עיין ברש"י)

10) After the staff of אהרן budded flowers, where was it kept? (במדבר יז:כה)

Bonus Questions:

1) What great leader came from קרח?

2) What other Biblical leader used a challenge like the one Moshe used to prove that Hashem is the true G-d?