Friday, August 23, 2019

פרשת עקב

Times listed are for the Greater Washington D.C. Area.
Candle lighting:         7:34 pm
Shabbat ends:           8:34 pm

Questions from this week’s Parsha:

1) Why did משה use the word עקב to encourage the בני ישראל to keep the תורה? Explain. (דברים ז:יב)

2) Based on what משה said, In comparison to other nations of the world, how should the בני ישראל act? (דברים ז:יד)

3) Why should the בני ישראל not be afraid of the other nations of the world? (דברים ז:יז-יח)

4) The תורה says כל המצוה and not כל המצות. Explain why this is. (רש"י דברים ח:א)

5) What 7 special species is ארץ ישראל blessed with? (דברים ח:ח)

6) What הלכה do we learn from this? (HINT: “thank you”)

7) What did משה survive on while he was in heaven for 40 days and 40 nights? (דברים ט:יח)

8) After receiving the לחת, what did משה build a ארון out of? (דברים י:ג)

9) What does Hashem expect of us?  (דברים י:יב) 

Bonus Question:

1) This week’s Parsha begins with the words והיה עקב תשמעו. How many time in ספר דברים do we find the root word שמע - hear? Why do you think this is?

2) How many ארונות הקודש where there?

If you are visiting Israel this summer, 
PLEASE let us know where you are going by emailing so we can share your adventure!

Remember, you can find
grade-level summer learning
information by clicking here

Other helpful summer educational links:

Thursday, August 15, 2019

פרשת ואתחנן - שבת נחמו

Times listed are for the Greater Washington D.C. Area.
Candle lighting:         7:44 pm
Shabbat ends:           8:44 pm

Questions from this week’s Parsha:

1) When battling סיחון and עוג what did משה do? (רש"י דברים ג:כג)

2) According to the ספר החנוך, what mitzvah is this referring to? (ספר החנוך - דברים ג)

3) What is the outcome of keeping the תורה and מצות that ה gave us? (דברים ד:א)

4) When the תורה says לא תספו what מצות is this? (ד:ב רש"י דברים)

5) What are the names of the ערי מקלת that משה set up? (דברים ד:מא-מג)

6) If the ערי מקלת would not offer protection to anyone until after the Jewish people conquered ארץ ישראל why did משה set 3 up now? (רש"י דברים ד:מא)

7) What difference is there in the עשרת הדברות found here from the ones found in earlier? (דברים ה:ו-יח & רש"י יב)

8) What does it mean to "love ה with all your heart"? (ו:ד רש"י דברים)

9) How shall we answer or children when they ask why we have תורה and מצות to live by? (ו:כ-כא דברים)

Bonus Question:

This שבת is known as שבת נחמו:
     1) why is it called this?
     2) what connection is there between שבת and being comforted?

Story Time!

Shabb-A-Smile Joke!

If you are visiting Israel this summer, 
PLEASE let us know where you are going by emailing so we can share your adventure!

Remember, you can find
grade-level summer learning
information by clicking here

Other helpful summer educational links:

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

שבת חזון - פרשת דברים - תשעה באב

Reminder: The fast of Tisha B'Av is on Sunday, 
may it become a joyous holiday soon.

Times listed are for the Greater Washington D.C. Area.
Candle lighting:         7:52 pm

Shabbat ends:           8:54 pm
Fast Begins:              8:09 pm
Fast Ends/Havdala:   8:44 pm

Parsha Questions:

1) At the beginning of ספר דברים who is משה addressing? (דברים א:א)

2) Why did משה gather this entire group? (רש"י דברים א:א)

3) On what date did משה begin this message to the Jewish people? (דברים א:ג)

4) What promise did משה reiterate from Hashem? (דברים א:ח)

5) Many Shuls have the custom of rereading the last פסוק (א:יא) of the first עליה. Why?

6) Who did משה blame for sending the spies? (דברים א:כג)

7) If the spies came back with awesome fruit from ארץ ישראל, how did the Jewish people see this as bad? (Hint: Attitude)

8) Why did Hashem tell משה not to be afraid of עוג מלך הבשן, but did not say not to fear when סיחון came to wage war? (רש"י דברים ג:ב)

9) What lesson can we learn from here?

10) Why should the Jewish people not be afraid to battle of Israel? (דברים ג:כב)

Bonus Questions:

1) What special name does this שבת have?

2) What other שבתות have names for the same reason as this week?

3) Who's birthday isט' אב  (Midrashically speaking)?

4) If ט' אב is such a sad day, why do we not say תחנון at all?

Story Time!

Shabb-A-Smile Joke!

Thank you to everyone that send requests. Here is the Nine Days Chopped!

A Tisha B'Av Story:

If you are visiting Israel this summer, 
PLEASE let us know where you are going by emailing so we can share your adventure!

Remember, you can find
grade-level summer learning
information by clicking here

Other helpful summer educational links: