Tuesday, June 25, 2019

פרשת שלח

פרשת שלח 
Times for Washington D.C. area:
Candle lighting: 8:20 pm
Havdalah: 9:27 pm

Dvar Torah

Parsha Questions:

1) When telling משה to send spies, the תורה uses the words שְׁלַח־לְךָ. What is meant by the word YOU? (רש"י במדבר יג:ב)

2) Based on the words of the תורה, what was the main mission of these spies? (ב-במדבר יג:א)

3) How long did the spies spend spying? (במדבר יג:כה)

4) Upon their return, what did the spies report? (במדבר יג:כו-לג)

5) How did the בני ישראל react to the report of the 10 spies? (במדבר יד:א)

6) What is the connection between the story of the spies return and the story of Miriam at the end of last week’s Parsha? (רש"י במדבר יג:ב)

7) What was the date of the spies return and the בני ישראל cried?

8) What special מצוה is there when baking bread? (במדבר טו:יז-כא)

9) What should be tied to the “corners” of a garment? (במדבר טו:לח)

10) By looking at ציצית what is one reminded of? (במדבר טו:לט)

Bonus Questions:

1) Where did Yoshua get the Yud for his name from?

2) How much dough is needed to make a Bracha on taking Challah?

Story Time! 

What new in the garden?


Banana Math!
Please email responses to israels@mjbha.org

Remember, you can find all of the grade
level summer learning information

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

פרשת בהעלותך

Shabbat פרשת בהעלותך times for the Greater Washinton D.C. area

Candle Lighting: 8:19
Havdala: 9:27

1) How many lights did the מנורה in the משכן have? (במדבר ח:ב)

2) In the משכן who lit the מנורה? (במדבר ח:ג)

3) What is the connection between the inauguration of the משכן at the end of פרשת נשא and the lighting of the משכן? (רש"י ח:ב)

4) When did the בני ישראל celebrate the second פסח after they had left מצרים? (במדבר ט:א-ה)

5) On that day some people were unable to bring a קרבן פסח. Who was not able to bring the קרבן פסח then? Why not? (במדבר ט:ו-ח  & רש"י ז)

6) What special מצוה did Hashem teach because of these people? (במדבר ט:ט-יב)

7) How many חצוצרות (trumpets) was משה רבינו commanded to make? (במדבר י:ב)

8) For what purpose were these חצוצרות used? (במדבר י:ג-ז)

9) Who started to speak לשון הרע against משה and to whom? (במדבר יב:א)

10) Who prayed for his sister to be healed and what was his prayer? (במדבר יב:יג)

Bonus Question:

1) Why are there 2 upside down letters in this week’s Parsha?

2) Both Miriam and Aharon were talking Lashon Hora about Moshe and Miriam got Tzoraat as a punishment. Why did Aharon not get Tzora’at (or did he)?

Remember, you can find all of the grade
level summer learning information