Thursday, June 28, 2018

פרשת בלק

Summer Torah for פרשת בלק
Feel free to email any questions or comments to

Questions from this week’s Parsha:

1) Who was the king of מואב at this time? (כב:ד)

2) Who were the people of מואב afraid of? Why? (כב:ב-ד)

3) Who did the king send messengers to for help? (כב:ה)

4) Why did בלעם ask the זקני מואב and the זקני מדין to stay overnight? (רש"י כב:ח)

5) ה' told בלעם not to join the זקני מואב and the זקני מדין. What reason did ה' give? (כב:יב)

6) After בלעם chose not to follow the exact words of ה', בלעם ‘s donkey gave him a hard time.

7) What was blocking the donkey from continuing on the road? (כב:כא-כז)

8) Each time that the donkey went off the path בלעם hit her. What did the donkey say to בלעם about this? (כב:כח-ל)

9) Ultimately, what blessing did בלעם deliver to and about the Jewish people? (כד:ה)

Bonus Questions:

1) As a  נביא, who was בלעם compared to?

2) What other animals in תנ"ך spoke (or sang)?

3) Which angel was blocking the path of the donkey?


1) Why do we fast on 17 Tamuz?

2) What are some activities that we minimize during the 3 weeks?

3) On what date do the 9 days begin?

4) On what date was the Bet Hamikdash destroyed?

Friday, June 22, 2018

פרשת חקת

Summer Torah for פרשת חקת
Feel free to email any questions or comments to

Parsha Questions of the Week

1) What is a חוק (a type of commandment)? (רש"י יט:ב)

2) When did the Jewish people arrive in מדבר צן (the desert of Zin)? (כ:א)

3) Who passed away in מדבר צן (the desert of Zin)? (כ:א)

4) What needed resource was missing from מדבר צן (the desert of Zin)? (כ:ב)

5) What is the connection between the passing of מרים and the lack of water? (רש"י כ:ב)

6) What did Hashem tell משה to do to get drinking water? (כ:ז-ח)

7) What did משה do to produce water? (כ:יא)

8) What consequence did משה receive for not following Hashem's instructions? (כ:יב)

9) Who did משה send a message to? What was this message? (כ:יד-יז)

10) Who passed away at הר ההר? Who took over for him? (כ:כב-כט)

Bonus Questions 

1) Where else was משה asked to hit the rock and bring forth water to drink?

2) Where is the rock that משה struck today?

3) Where is the well of מרים today?

Extra Videos that connect to this week's Parsha:
Moshe's Rock

Miriam's well