Thursday, July 27, 2017

פרשת דברים

Summer Torah for פרשת דברים
Feel free to email any questions or comments to

Questions from this week’s Parsha:

1) In the beginning of ספר דברים who is משה addressing? (א:א)

2) Why did משה gather this entire group? (רש"י א:א)

3) On what date did משה begin this message to the Jewish people? (א:ג)

4) What promise did משה reiterate from Hashem? (א:ח)

5) If the spies came back with awesome fruit from ארץ ישראל, how did the Jewish people see this as bad? (See video)

Bonus Questions:

1) What special name does this שבת have?

2) What other שבתות have names for the same reason as this week?

3) Who's birthday is ט' אב (Midrashically speaking)?

4) If ט' אב is such a sad day, why do we not say תחנון at all?

Thursday, July 20, 2017

פרשת מטות-מסעי

Summer Torah for פרשת מטות-מסעי
Feel free to email any questions or comments to

Questions from this week’s Parsha:

1) What did שבט ראובן and שבט גד have too much of? (לב:א)

2) What land did they want to inherit? (לב:א-ה)

3) Who did the Jewish people capture this land from? (רש"י לב:ג)

4) Under what conditions would the שבט ראובן and שבט גד be granted their request? (לב:כ-כד)

5) What other שבט joined on the other side of the Jordan River? (לב:לט-מב)

6) According to רש"י, why does the תורה need to remind us of all of the places that the בני ישראל camped out during the 40 years in the desert? (רש"י לג:א)

7) How many places in total did the בני ישראל camp out during the 40 years in the desert?

8) How would the land be divided once entering Israel? (לג:נד)

9) What is a ער מקלט? When is it used? (לה:יא-יב)

10) How many such cities where there? (לה:יג-יד)

Bonus Questions:

1) In the beginning of the Parsha, Moshe tells the Jewish people that all spoils of war are to be split almost the Jewish people. Who else in Tanach had to establish a Halacha about spoils of war? (2 answers)

2) Based on your knowledge of Chumash, why were שבט ראובן and שבט גד concerned about their animals living in the land of Israel? (Hint: think Avraham and Lot - See מדרש הגדה)

3) Besides for accidental murderers, who lived in a ער מקלט regularly?

Thursday, July 13, 2017

פרשת פינחס

Summer Torah for פרשת פינחס
Feel free to email any questions or comments to

Questions from this week’s Parsha:

1) Why was פינחס not originally a כהן, after all his father and grandfather were? (רש"י כה:יג)

2) For standing up for the honor of Hashem, what reward did פינחס receive? (כה:יב-יג)

3) What were the names of the people that פינחס killed? (כה:יג-יד)

4) Whom should the בני ישראל oppress? Why? (כה:יז-יח)

5) Why did Hashem ask that the בני ישראל be counted again? (כו:א-ג also see רש"י, אבן עזרא, and others)

6) Did every שבט get the same size land? (כו:נג-נה)

7) How was the division of land done? (כו:נג-נה)

8) What complaint did the daughters of צלפחד have? (כז:א-ה)

9) What did the daughters ask of משה? (כז:א-ה)

10) Who was their father? Why did he die? (רש"י כז:ג)

11) What did משה ask of Hashem? (כז:טו-יז)

12) What did the בנות צלפחד really want? (See video below.)

12) Who did Hashem say would be the next leader of the Jewish people? (כז:יח)

13) When was the קרבן תמיד sacrificed? (כח:א-ח)

14) Which month is considered the first month (שמות יב:א-ב)?

15) For how many days do we eat Matzah? (כח:יז)

16) What is another name for Shavuot? (כח:כו)

17) Which month is called the seventh month?

18) What is the special מצוה of Rosh Hashana? (כט:א)

19) What יומים טובים are in the month of Tishrei? (כט)

Bonus Questions:

1) What is another name for פינחס?

2) What letter in the Torah (in this week’s Parsha) must be split in half? (Check it out this week in Shul!)

3) Where in Israel did the בנות צלפחד inherit land? (Look at a map)


Monday, July 10, 2017

17 Tamuz

1) Why do we fast on 17 Tamuz?

2) What are some activities that we minimize during the 3 weeks?

3) On what date do the 9 days begin?

4) On what date was the Bet Hamikdash destroyed?

Thursday, July 6, 2017

פרשת בלק

Summer Torah for פרשת בלק
Feel free to email any questions or comments to

Questions from this week’s Parsha:

1) Who was the king of מואב at this time? (כב:ד)

2) Who were the people of מואב afraid of? Why? (כב:ב-ד)

3) Who did the king send messengers to for help? (כב:ה)

4) Why did בלעם ask the זקני מואב and the זקני מדין to stay overnight? (רש"י כב:ח)

5) ה' told בלעם not to join the זקני מואב and the זקני מדין. What reason did ה' give? (כב:יב)

6) After בלעם chose not to follow the exact words of ה', בלעם ‘s donkey gave him a hard time.

7) What was blocking the donkey from continuing on the road? (כב:כא-כז)

8) Each tine that the donkey went off the path בלעם hit her. What did the donkey say to בלעם about this? (כב:כח-ל)

9) Ultimately, what blessing did בלעם deliver to and about the Jewish people? (כד:ה)

Bonus Questions:

1) As a  נביא, who was בלעם compared to?

2) What other animals in תנ"ך spoke (or sang)?

3) Which angel was blocking the path of the donkey?